Battle of the Superpowers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Nephirus-, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Marvel
    Maybe upgrading
  2. Builicious
    264 KCS
  3.  DC Comics
  4. 765kcs DC name will stay
  5. Marvel side 1mcs
  6. 315.4kcs
  7. Oh , there goes my comic book war fantasy with me part of it :(
  8. I'd like to join DC side. 486kcs
  9. Yay, more marvel 
  10. Any chance I can be a neutral superhero?
  11. ^^ ignore that , my friends stole my phone :(
  12. Marvel!!!
    Likely going to upgrade.
  13. Marvel
    Um i might upgrade a little but it wouldn't be more then 10kcs.
  14. Count me in..marvel lcbc
  15. Any chance I could be a special guest ?
  16. Talk to Nephirus