Battle of the Superpowers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Nephirus-, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. If you dont know what your cs will be. Just hit upthe thread with your name and post your cs later on closing date 
  2. RockStar_Ashy
    could possibly upgrade to 70kcs not sure yet
  3. If you do just wall me or post your new kcs
  4. Imma say 210kcs and we all know which side THOR will be on!
  5. This is gonna rule if more players with hero names sign up?
  6. Close to a week for sign ups
  7. I'm so so so ready for war lets do this !!! Levitating kitty activate!


    I even brought my war kitty's
  8. So adorable
  9. They may be adorable but they are deadly!
  10. i love them
  11. DC, but available to switch sides if needed
    (Seriously who can resist Batman??)
  12. I think i should join... Sign me up?
  13. [​IMG].

    Avengers kick ass
  14. Johnny Blaze DC?