Battle of the Sexes Official Rosters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ryan, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. ?
  2. What will be the exact time of BoS SGT?
  3. Both are coming but when is this gonna happen
  4. According to Ryan’s other thread, it should happen on the 6th/7th April. So either today or tomorrow, he will probably announce the exact time later, so patience is needed
  5. I would join :( but ? is too damn good.
  7. 9PM PST tonight is the start time so in roughly 10 hours and 28 minutes.
  8. There are two!
  9. Girls club link!
  10. Report to clubs guys...
  11. I will come after this party. I forgot and initiated party
  12. Join respective clubs. War is declared.
  13. I know this isn't really the place for it, but I figured I'd try. All tuts on this alt are available, fully open market. Hide that cash Y'all.
  14. Thanks for war! We had fun. Girls won 
  15. Congrats ladies!