As people have said, this is the first time ata has tried this on pimd, and very rare does any thing run perfectly fine on such a large scale. Pop, they said that the awards will be handed out on Monday, so don't panic about those As for improvements, having a minimum stat requirement would be nice, there were many 0/0 stat players, which means they would have no energy, which means they can't even hit, all they did was make the loading of clubs slower, took places of players who could've hit and make an impact, and made club chat faster than way was necessary. Have a party that had no end to it, so it would last the whole time that we are in the club waiting, so our energy isn't being wasted, and so we can make some last minute cash for pots and so on. Then with this, when the war is over and tax is handed out, the party tax should be added, so the losing side comes out with something at least. Have every one start to automatically move to appropriate clubs 2-3 hours before the war is suppose to start, this way we won't have the delay issue. Change the starting times, due to people being in different time zones, it's hard to keep every one happy, this round Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, and countries with similar time zones, were greatly disadvantaged, 3:30-7:30 am Australian time. My proposal to this issue is to hold the next round, make the start of the second round, the time that the first round ended, the third round start at the time which the second round ended, and so on, eventually covering all time zones, and then keep repeating that method. Also, it was mentioned about this war won't be counted towards our records, what's this about? I's it like a win/lose record? Total plunder for all BoS wars? Total BoS wars participated in? Or what's the deal with this record thing? This is only a learning curve for every one, next time it will be better, then time after that even better, till finally it's running smoothly. Congrats to every one who took part, all tho I feel asleep after an hour and 0/33 inc in the time I was sleeping, good war and can't wait to try the next one
Everything was fun… i really enjoyed the whole event… Nxt time… do it Exchange students vs pop stars… something according to avatars … or same stats somethin fun… this was fun tho just some glitches
Nice try and thanks for the apology and doc notes hopefully next time no glitching Thanks for replying
Dev should ask ice and char how to run a proper BOS as their war was considered the most epic one in pimd
Obviously a lot of people changed their avitars. Thats not the point. And yes guys changed to girls but the guys had many more bcs that were female bc the females changed. Anyway it was a fun war, and im glad i got to participate. I wasnt trying to be rude to riccena i just know she was one that changed. Riccena and i go way back to when i first started playing this game doubt she remembers me but we are good. Lol
Thank you pimd. This was a huge event and something never tried before. It is understandable that they were some problems and I hope you can get some of the issues fixed and try again. Thank you for working hard to give us more to do than the traditional stuff.
I'm glad that everyone involved will be getting the items. It was the first time ATA has done this and of course it's bound to come with some glitches with over 1200 people in one club. Lol it's cool that everyone got to participant that wanted, for the most part. The cc I think was the worst part at first cause no one would be quiet long enough to come up with a war plan. But that's what happens when u have a wide range of stats in one place and people that haven't ever warred. Next time I think cc should only be open for war talk, if there was a way to do that. Lol But thanks ATA for trying to give us a war. Fix the glitches so we could see the war roster right away and not so much lag and it would have been great. And let us know that rosters rotate since that confused a lot of people since we were just hitting off our news feed from people that hit us. Not knowing that if they weren't on the roster at that time it didn't count. A few people made a good amount of money but placed really low on the rankings cause they weren't hitting off the roster at the time. Otherwise a great fun war. I'd join again as long as the glitches are taken care of and it's a longer war. There wasn't much time to catch up once we all got our devices working to see the war.
How about refunding all those you accepted in the club, who prepared for war and then found themselves dropped because of poor planning and management? The 1st come 1st served would have ha a logic if those who were over the allowed limit would have been prevented from accessing the club. I was one of those accepted and dropped after half an hour and you are compensating those who partecipated this is absolutely ridiculous and a big . What about all the money spent in tutors and pots I didn't need once I found out being dropped?
And I think we all spent too much time complaining about people changing avatars. It didn't really matter. Girls became boys and boys became girl's. We had a boy lcbc on our side dressed as a girl (as casper said) and I think he rocked it rather nicely. Tad bit creepy but funny props to my pupil jonny he had to be in a club with half the girls complaining about something, but he didn't quit or give up. He was getting a lot of hits since he was lcbc and he wasn't even on the roster half the time. It's all for fun anyways. I think it was funny I was hitting some of the boys and they were actually girls I knew but I had no idea. BOS wars and wars like it are suppose to be fun. Yes be serious about warring but have a good time. Don't just complain, just fight. My regen was frozen half the time and I wasn't even being hit but it was acting like I was. Lol All in all congrats to the girls and boys who didn't quit or give up! Thanks for the war beer and sammiches for all!
To the people complaining. It did state it was first come first serve. I joined pretty much right when the club was made. But I didn't buy pots til right before war started. And if you buy tutors that are good stats at a good price you can always sell them in campus. Or ask clubmates if they need any tutors. I war when I can so I don't mind be stocked up on titles and pots. Yes I agree that it sucks for those dropped, but it was stated that some could be dropped if it was uneven and it would be the people that signed up last.
I enjoyed it, I like the concept and delivery with that many people involved would never be easy. Hopefully by the next one the glitches will be ironed out and we will get to breed the final plunder. Must have been most of the way to a trillion. Also, gives some possible updates to clubs in time, expanded etc. Looking forward to the next one.
I suggest next time to set up different clubs so everyone can join. Though less people in each club. Makes it easier to communicate and everyone would be able to join. Would probably also help servers to stop lagging so much from in taking so many members at one time.
Bos was really fun even though there was glitches. Well done everyone Has anyone else not been able to see any notifications about clubs? Like them accepting you or new people joining. I haven't got any since I joined the bos club
Here is my opinion of what should happen. They need a server devoted to this. Then once they have all the competitors divide them up randomly into smaller teams of 200 to 300. Have all the plunder go into one big Kitty. Then divide the plunder up based on that club war tax that they have earned. It is a winner takes all so if your the losing side but win a group u still don't win the war tax.
Smaller groups set up in a tournament style.....less server loads and more can join. As for the wrong avitar....there are websites that can help you determine if you are a boy avitar or a girl, check them out.
It was chaotic but awesomely fun even though I spent my bday on my phone thx devs great job I will be joining again