Battle of the Continents

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AlmightyRainbowUnicorn, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Bahaha so bullet you still alive :evil:
  2. ?
    1.9mcs, upgrading soon
  3. 1.9mcs
  4. :cool: _4ron_4_
    North america :evil: [/color
  5. _4ron_4_ :cool: North America :evil:
  6. I wanna be a penguin too but can't make the first war ?
  7. 350Kcs+

  8. ★ Avikarz


    913 kcs , Upgrading soon.
  10. ASIA 1.4m kcs
  11. *1.4mcs
  12. Because everyone seems to be applying for the same 4 why don't you just do a NA and Antarctica v Asia and Europe? Winner gets bragging rights (although there wouldn't be much trash talking since both sides if war have their own campus)

    And I agree with John can't it be a little later? I'm tired of always having to wait until 3 in the morning to apply to a club then having to wake up at 6/7 in the morning when war starts for every decent war?
  13. Jackie i may have to change eveeything since Rikki wants it 24h now, even tho it makes it a lil more complicated as days an times come into question
  14. Mexico is central amercica not north 
  15. GustavoFrings
    probably gonna upgrade

    P.S. Mexico is classed as North America, Central America isnt a continent