Battle of the Continents

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AlmightyRainbowUnicorn, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. asia
    Will upgraded more
  2. North America Oops
  3. North america
  4. mee :p north america umm 2.17mcs lol or something like that
  5. They arnt matched you dont need stats btw
  6. With seriousness now

    north America ?
  7. Rikki boo give me a banner for this post ill get more ppl to sign up :*
  8. North America  sign me up
  9. North America?
    Sign Me Up
    Im Gonna Upgrade
  10. Sorry cant war if its locked and at 3am wont ve doing this war
  11. Maybe next time John
  12. Don't think Mexico is consider part of North America