Battle of the Continents

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AlmightyRainbowUnicorn, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Can I represent a different continent seeing as how I'm Asian but dont live there?
  2. ^ no. Help us, please
  3. North America
    2.6 mcs
    Sign me uppp
  4. ★ Asains are Huge 
  5. ★ Asians *
  6. ?can I still sign up
  7. I'm not sure if I'm too late but north america
  8. Wait. Never mind sorry
  9. U callin ASIANS fat?
  10. Me North America USA
  11. Well others are signing up so...

    North America about 600kcs give or take
  12. 800 kcs upgrading soon. North America. May change my name as well.