Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nicoolest, May 26, 2019.

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  1. Is it possible to bet one bento per person? This is to spice things up..?

  2. Oh the shade 
  3. I've walled sez but *bump* sign me up ??
  4. Well we have decided to accept donations of bentos or MCs to be added to the 200mcs pot for the winning team. As far as making people pay to join its kinda too late for that as so many people have signed up already. As it looks right now the winning team will actually be getting a 220mcs split not 200mcs.
  5. Sign me up :)
  6. Sign me up please ty 
  7. How does one team win the best of two?

    Suggest odd number of wars or is this overall plunder over "100m" to advance? :?
  8. Sign me up ty
  10. that was a mistake in my wording on the rules its meant to be 100b each war like we don't want any wars with 60b-51b because that isn't a war thats a sp session. And because every single team will be balanced its 100% possible for a team to achive 100b plunder. It shouldnt be a hard task at all. Its more to prevent sp wars then anything
  11. And as far as how one team beats another team in best out of two that depends on the teams total plunder between the two wars
  12. BUMP AF.
  13. Sign me up plz
  14. Sign me up and gimme RP (Sez)
  15. Wow this looks fun  i’m sure no one will get mad and bash all over you and say you’re trash.

    i promise i’ll follow all the rules, as i always do.
    please sign me up
  16. sign me up ️ ty
  17. Sign me up
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