Battle of Sexes 7: Reboot

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ResuscitatedDino, Aug 10, 2015.

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  1. I'm a girl and 4.33mcs
  2. Guys Team 7.17mcs ?
  3. Female, LCBC
  4. Female Side LcBc
  5. Female - 5mcs+
  7. Female bc line is so long ? downgrade a bit so you can join  :)
  8. Female - 2.16mcs
  10. I hit bc a few days back, does that mean I can't war? I was only ever one crew member away from bc ?
  11. Crystalshardz, 2.4m, ??
  12. Ahh really ? I signed up too late (page 53) Hope I could make the cut ???
  13. Sorry I'm a bit slow, what cs are you still looking for?

  14. Upgraded to 3.1mcs
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