Battle of Sexes 7: Reboot

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ResuscitatedDino, Aug 10, 2015.

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  1. Lcbc(7.66mcs by then)... Female
    This name or PupuSai
  2. 5.5mcs Male. Sign me up. 
  3. Female
  4. 4.44mcs Female 
  5. Bc, girls team ?
  6. Female?7.6mcs
    Please post your real life gender and your current CS.

    We will only consider the account you used to post in this thread. We won't accept any posts made by others for you. If you cant post, please contact an admin. Thank you!
  8. 6.55mcs female. Probably bc this time.
  9. 7.2mcs
    Go Girlfriends! 
  10. Male. 10kcs 

    Pretty good post
  11. Count me in
    Male , 7.25mcs
  12. Female
    7.6532 kcs
  13. Female. 7.65mcs
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