Battle of Campuses

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -StopStalkingTheStalker-, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. US would lose. I'm from US. Bad idea
  2. There will be equal participants
  3. This is a great idea hope ata notices it and put it together I'm down if it happens
  4. No kcs req.? Good luck in matching rosters. Just saying. Hehe
  5. I am in asia
  6. Thanks for all the support, ask more people to join in and comment so that ata notices it
  7. I'd like to take part too but is 26-8kcs too noob? D:
  8. I think us would most likely would win we have a lot of different time zones in that campus it would also depend on length of war
  9. I would take part plz keep us updated if ata goes for it
  10. Sign me up
  11. Nice idea! 
  12. SO YOU PLAN ON STARTING A RACE WAR sounds like fun
  13. Keep it up mr. Manson you'll get there
  14. I think that it would be cool! And (as someone said before i believe) the diffeent time zones would be very interesting. I like open kcs ideas.
  15. Not a bad idea, it would be fun...

    I would join if well done