Battle Button Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Emanon 1/3/7 f

    And game kicked me off 
  2. 3/3/6d


  3. 1/3/7 f quimey
  4. Cj 4/4/? F or maybe ?/5/? F. Device still laggy and could not edit due to new post.

    Already posted, so, Webster 3/3/? F xD
  5. 0/3/7 f Quimey
  6. 2/3/7 F -BlG_Savage-
  7. 10/10/7 f ^

    I return that savages hits :(
  8. 1/3/7 f savage
  9. 1/1/7 vice

    I forgot i didnt regen. .___.
  10. Opp too strong 
  11. 3/3/7f King_brad
  12. 1/3/0F ^ I tried lol
  13. DTW ^.^ get your dtw ass outta here, ccbc!
  14. I'm not even bc :| 10 more cc clubs to go! :lol:
  15. Brahhh I ain't even checking stats I'm just YOLO'ing it cuz YOLO.


  16. I'm not dtw, I hit on pattern bruh :lol:
  17. 147 f