Before 1939 technically superman exsisted but he was never called superman and just in case you wanna wiki that it will say superman but its not because I have that as well no where does it mention his name as Superman until the first Superman comics. How do I know all this?Because everything I have is originals passed down by my family of collectors.
None. Batman is useless without his gadgets and clearly he's not that smart because he still has yet to invent a voice changer lol. And superman... well lets put it at this... his enemy is a damn rock...
Batman knows all forms of martial arts, so he is still badass without his gadgets. And wut you mean he is not that smart, he is the worlds greatest detective, well at least in the DC universe he is.
Bruce lee would whoop batman. And um if he was then why dont he just make a voice changer instead of forcing that scratchy deep voice lol
He doesn't invent all his gadgets, he just buys them off someone. And I'm pretty sure someone who makes combat gadgets won't make something like a voice changerbesides it's that scratchy voice that the bad guys are scared of, "I'm Batman".
Well it would help hide his identity lol. Wouldn't you consider the posibility of him messing up his voice. And the person who makes his gadgets can easily make a voice changer. Record the frequency of batmans voice and set it. Dont want him sounding like a damn chimpmunk for forcing that scratchy vouce alot