batman or superman

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lorenbabeboo, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Noo catwomen ??
  2. I'll cut you. ?
  3. Ummm where's spiderman ftw
  4. Even though batman doesn't have any super powers just a spoilt rich kid

    I pick star lord because he's my fav hero in guardians of the galaxy 
  5. Batman
    1) He knows Superman's weakness
    2) He has Kryptonite because Superman gave it to him
    3) Batman has a contingency plan in case aanyone were to turn bad in order to render them harmless
    4) Batman's contingency plan got into the hands of the villians in which they used against them with a slight tweak
    5) After being shot by a Kyrptonite bullet Superman basically almost died

    So basically Batman knows exactly how to beat Superman. He has the resources to weaken Superman. And if this really was a battle to the death basically just pierce Superman with Kryptonite he'll eventually die.
  6. Superman.. is the OSH.. Original Super Hero!
  7. Superman! Hes hotter lol
  9. Aren't they going to make a movie about this soon?
  10. Batman was a superhero before Superman get it right. Batman comics date back farther. -_- Bet there are few of you who even know the comics.
  11. Omg are you kidding? Superman was the first superhero comic...he was the one that started it all. Go read a history book instead of a comic book smh. Totally superman ftw!
  12. Captain Planet???
  13. No god cmon I have the first ever printed Batman and Superman clearly I know more. i went to look at the release dates.
  14. Batman first Appearance May 1939 Superman First Appearance June 1939 1 month apart Batman being first point proven.