If you don't believe me, Google sampling vs. biting lyrics. Sampling isn't taking credit, because if you sample and don't give the proper credits, you can be sued fo millions of dollars, especially depending on where the sample is from, like French Montana's "Pop That. The "pop that, pop that, don't stop, pop that, pop that" is from the 2 Live Crew, Luke's part. French Montana ain't credit him nor paid him fo sampling it, so he got sued
Chill a hoe, we already established it! Hes no pro, he aint spittin the savage shìt! Did u read his rap? Dude needs practicin! Its a fact, he aint at it like Static is!! Vocabularies basic, its kinda embarrassing He cant face the greatest, punches are there to sting I kill a microphone, Chilly just wanna sing! Hes off & Im on, thats why this bìtch wanted me! Truthfully, I swear to god he cant hack it! He aint as rude as me, his whole act ratchet! Bet his booty clap, just like his rap shìt! Why I wanna talk to him, he the ONLY one thats fáģgòt So punk keep braggin, like u tryin win a Grammy Run up & get pumped while AR tear up ya family! You the cyber type, and Im the one to do this! Stick to playin pimd hoe, we know u aint ruthless! You aint brutal you clueless, thats what a truth is Run upon the right one, chilly ass be toothless! You out ya fucking mind boy, stick to playing house Leave the rappin to me & keep my name out ya mouth!
y'know not every last word has to rhyme. you also gotta transition to the next verse via the previous verse not just start completely new
Don’t try and make it sound like anything other than what it is. You called me out to a bar challenge against your verse. My verse destroyed your verse so now you’re trying to say I’m stealing lyrics because your boy got bodied when I was only going in at about a 3. You don’t want to see beast mode. Next off, you challenged me to do it live. You never showed up even though flocc arranged for it to happen. Flocc has already heard me do two songs btw. We haven’t heard from any of you at all. I bet you sound like the little bítch everyone already knows that you are. That’s why you’ve backed down when called out 4 times now.
Some of you people seriously have nothing better to do with your lives? lol. I mean.... if you're that much into music..... go out and record more songs. Read a book. Take up a hobby (pimd thugging isnt a hobby), do some sports... go on a date.... spend more time at your job.... finish college... climb up the success ladder. Idk. Any of that.
yeah, so you take this "challenge" on a game and call them out in real life and call them a bitch for not wanting to interact with a sketchy person irl.... yeah, i just dont see why he would lol. Couldnt convince me to do it either
I actually worked today? Did you? I recorded a song today. Did you? I’ve graduated. Have you? I’ve written a published a book. Have you? I was varsity on a sports team. Were you? I have a very successful relationship. Do you? No one is PIMD thugging here. Know what you’re talking about before you speak.
No, the challenge wasn’t in real life it was only about bars. They challenged me and I met and defeated those challenges. Then, they challenged me to do it live so I said I would and didn’t back down. If you paid attention you would have seen that. Learn to read and comprehend.
Day off today so no I've recorded only 7 songs Graduated few years back Have not published a book Was varsity soccer for my highschool for 2 years. was invited to, joined, and played (scored various times) for the previous years' state champions soccer team I have an...... ok relationship i guess lol You're all pimd thugging here lol. Learn to relax and take it for what it is........ a game. Have a laugh once in a while guys
Not gonna read several useless pages lol. All I care about is the end. Anyone calling anyone out irl are just.... sad. Idk
No one is PIMD thuggin. You either don’t read or don’t comprehend. They called me out about bars. I accepted the challenge and won and so now they are changing the subject/being passive aggressive. They spin, derail and try to change the subject instead of just admitting they were wrong to try to put someone in a category they don’t fit into. Check my wall for laughs... I think you took some things out of context and are very confused.. No one was called out irl buddy. He is trying to tell us what we are irl but he has no idea.