I'm waiting. Not once have you directed bars at me. Lurkers have been Googling the lyrics you bit. You've exposed yourself. Chill, don't make me have to be an ***hole. You don't want to make dat mistake
I’m doing well for my age... and I’m happy with my accomplishments. I also simply want you to stop comparing our writing, that’s all this is about. Stop trying to make it more than that. I’m flattered that you take the time to look up my lyrics and no I didn’t intentionally copy anyone. Bottom line.
So much bickering going on for something so negligible lol. All I'm saying is... why waste your time/"talent" trying to show off for anyone here where it doesnt matter. Its just a game. That will get you nowhere in life. You'll only end up looking like an idiot. Trust me. No point tryna be a big shot on this game.
No, they aren't yo lyrics. Like I said, I listen to everyone's music, whether it's good or bad. I enjoy learning from dem and making myself better. You can't compare our writing, cause you don't come up wit yo own bars. You're worse than a rapper who has a ghost writer. Then you tried to say you weren't much older than me... Smh, even you knew what you said was a lie. I'm not even in my 20s, yo.
No one is trying to be a big shot on the game. I’ve made it pretty far already tbh... I answered all the challenges and concerns regarding me and now I have other things to do. You can continue trying to put me into whatever box your tiny little mind can create. ️
So that was a fun hour of chill and quartz going at it on call. Only chill rapped on call though, three times unanswered
How do you diss dem in bars, but you ain't do the same towards me? At first, you even told me I had 10 minutes to write some bars... YET you are the one who started this and challenged me. Looking fo lyrics to a song Ion't kno? Not likely. I'll tell you what. We'll act like you never tried to waste my time.
Also the line you say I stole is hardly close to Lil Wayne’s line... “She knows my —-, she call that —— Richard Prior to me coming, I had to stick my thumb in” -Lil Wayne There you go reaching and trying to manipulate things again tho...?
Not reaching, but I like how you kno the lyrics by heart tho. Ion't manipulate anyone or anything. It's not my style. Either produce some original bars dissing me, where you don't bite anyone, or continue to be a has been. Wait, you were never **** to begin wit. My fault, goofy
I had to look the lyrics up tbh. When I found out that my bars and his bars only had the words Richard and Dīck in common I saw how you tried to manipulate it to make it sound like i deliberately ripped someone else off. That’s that fake shít again. You still haven’t showed up to the group chat. All you do is back down... no more typing. Come to voice chat and rap.
Used in the same context. I'm no rocket science, but anyone can Google the lyrics you bit and find out fo themselves dat you just tried to rephrase it, and failed. Listen, make that mistake of dissing me in some original bars, where you don't bite anyone. I'll show you why you don't compare to me and I won't even take you serious
Anybody who falls for chills hype is dumb he reads it all off of lyrics.com or another song word site.He brought in at the end on.of his pimd girls and told her to insult me. He needed to put the words into her head to do it.But she didnt go along with it she seemed shocked he would be asking her to do it.The one thing that was transparent about chills is we can lie through our back teeth pretending we got this great life, having all the top of the range material things. But end of the day you still on pimd 24/7 so all your lies are just fantasy. You still not got a album.out there or signed to and got a contract music deal and noone knows you from adam you still a unknown in the music buisness.But you still a bully on a game because jealous of Thunders talent. Shame on you wannabe, wasteman and dot,dot,dash,///// and a whole load of nothing going on inbetween counterfeit.
Chills is nothing more than a pirator,immitator and song theif. Make sure you get your rhymes patented and copyrighted because the jealous leech chillz will be stealing your raps and thunder too chocolate !!
Lol you mean the woman who is currently in my living room? Or do you mean ASCAP which is my PRO? Or do you mean the album that I have on Spotify, Tidal, Iheartradio, Deezer?..etc? Post my lyrics side by side with the lyrics you claim I stole and make sure I wasn’t just referencing them which is a commonly used technique to pay homage to artists you respect btw... Make sure you get them correctly... you’re doing a lot of reaching here.
Huh? I pay homage to artists I respect, but not by biting their lyrics. Wait, didn't you just say it was unintentional? To the LURKERS, this is the man y'all said won forum's rap challenge? Don't cap on my name anymore and dont compare me to yo fairytale lifestyle. Why do y'all let Chill compare himself to ANYONE?
In other words, when he says reaching, he means, helping him expose the truth about himself. Therefore I'm reaching.
I didn’t bite his lyrics point blank period or anyone else’s... but you did back down 6 times. Quartz proceeded to try and explain to me how London has more violent crime than St. Louis and got shut down. She didn’t rap... shut down. Then she proceeded to question my hobby of being a musician... shut down again. Now she’s trying to call the woman she said I couldn’t get a PIMD girl... and that woman doesn’t even play PIMD... shut down again. You’re mad because I said you’re wack lame and fake. That’s all this is about... and even after all this you’re still wack, lame, and fake.
Keep writting all your fairy tales and lies chills you fake gangster. I never said London has more crime all you kept going on about is you from the hood etc etc.So i said every city worldwide has good and bad parts.You so fixated you repeat i am from.the hood so much times like it makes you hardcore lol.So hardcore that you are on pimd 24/7 instead of out with the boys and hanging with friends from the hood .Chills types so much lies i feel sorry for him. And the girl was from pimd yet again another lie. You beat nobody chillz, stolen lyrics dont win competitions. Reading songs off the screen dont feign that he you wrote it all.But i all loving all the typical English names you call me Mary poppins lol. CACTUS JACK.