barcodes are done

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllIIllllIIlllllIllIlllII2, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Word of advice peanut. If you're gonna hit me, might want to try winning. I understand RS taught you " fail farming " would bother someone. But where's RS. :/  you're a has been. And always will be. ️ enjoy the failed hits.
  2. That was so shady my screen had to force quit the game for a second
  3. Cat Cafe Club. Grow like Cendawan after Hujan.
  4. OMG that's peanut :shock:
  5. goes to show how stupid RS was  and what's wrong with spying  I'm just like James Bond 
  6. It's funny talking about spies cause rs had spies too make no sense! Where is the integrity of people hiding behind alts? Just making themselves and their club look bad since we all k people you have to belong to one of them cc clubs! Gj barcode and ascension!
  7. It's funny talking about spies cause rs had spies too make no sense! Where is the integrity of people hiding behind alts? Just making themselves and their club look bad since we all k people you have to belong to one of them cc clubs! Gj barcode and ascension!
  8. Whoops sorry for the double post
  9. Nooo Justin  peanut wasn't ready
  10. You really are stupid to mix that nick up with meI am sorryfunny as heck
  11. You've made a thread about the barcodes.

    You OP clearly do care about the barcodes you dumb son of a ***** :lol:
  12. Peanut the little snitch bitch that ratted me out to Pun while in Ascension looool
  13. Madpro  yaaaass
  14. ?? Dear PimD

    Barcodes will always live on,
    If not in your heads in your hearts,
    Because remember, there's a barcode in everyone of you ?
  15. :lol: barcodes didnt even start yet