Baewatch: Helvetica and friends

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 11, 2015.

  2. Notice me, PimD.
  3. Is it me...or does she look like Cherry? :shock:
  4. 17 keys and even still not get the baewatch guy  make the ava drop rate better pls devs
  5. Cherry its time to sue :lol:
  6. Weak. You get what you get. Understand that it is all luck. I know people who got it their first time.
  7. You're xcused :ugeek:
  8.  I know it's the only one being added, but it would be cool if a couple more were added... Js lol
  9. I think this looks like Cherry from selfie thread.
  10. Damn, I need this. + she's hotter than the poker shark :cry:
  11. 
  12. Graphic Designer you will have to beat that!
  14. :lol:
  15. PIMD does elite mean those that spend the most real life money lol
    N gimme a shout out PIMD :)

  16. I am one one the ones that "QQ'd" so THANK YOU for the strength based woman avatar.
  18. That's who I thought of when I saw it :lol: