Baewatch: Helvetica and friends

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. I would understand rare if people didn't get it on 7th key 

  2. I support. this because Betty got me the holiday. Avis and two other by trading and working her butt off then you guys just up and sell the avatars you see how highly. Demanded she is, sell her!
  3. it's actually taunting me
  4. 154keys.. Still no luck not even squirrel
  5. My girl just opened 60 in a row. No Helvetica ?
  6. thanks for extending opening for people without rare ava finally got mine?took lots of helping others!?pay it forward?

  7. And wont even use it smh
  8. You must not know who Betty is.
  9. Hipster Ariel aka helvetica lololol
  10. Let's see how many forums we can talk about this on! 
  11. A lot lol i got one more thread to put it on
  12. I'll come find you!
  13. Le wild pie appears CONSPIRACCCYYYY
  14. ata will delete those threads :cry:
  16. Wow ata

  17. :lol:
  18. Ata is gonna die....