Baewatch: DotD & PPotD

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Re: Baewatch: DotD

  2. Limo it is 
  3. Today's DROP OF THE DAY is...

    2X HYPNOCAT DROPS!!!!!!!!

    For 4 hours only!
    12 - 4 PM PDT

    After that, tomorrow's DotD will start early.
    Stay tuned to see what it is!

    Today's PRO PARTY OF THE DAY hint is....

    4C 7C FF

    Remember, drops don't start until NOON PDT, we're posting this early today
  4. 4 hours doe
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Bet a dollar pro is blue plate special. Color hex.
  6. If it is a color. Wouldn't it be more like an art skool party? Like fa101 pro?
  7. Its either art starzz or factory art
  8. The letters and numbers are like seats to a concert. The only concert party is JPOP.
  9. But then shouldn't the 3rd one have a number instead of letter
  10. And remember its hints for pros not regular
  11. We're going to try JPOP pro just to make sure.
  12. Anime expo? Could be a code to enter the contest
  13. Like a lottery ticket
  14. Re: Baewatch: DotD

    Code for Blue

    Blue Plate Pro?
  15. So factory art or art starzz
  16. I'm still going with blue plate special considering blue is in the name.
  17. So blue plate special it is. I still think its talking bout not just that one color but just a color in general
  18. Could be but it'd be odd to specify a color code rather than just use a photo of a paintbrush or rainbow or something. I could be dead wrong, who knows.