bad news...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _geo_, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Unless you were a nobody while I played. Never saw you sooo.
  2. Mmmhmm sure whatever floats your driftwood
  3. Dang, you guys are too fast to get furious Lool
  4. whale
  5. Omfg that's what you came up with? "O noez i am a whining n00b n an atention whore betr sey dis one" Seriously, pose a challenge don't use that line.
  6. Ummmmm ooooook still don't care sooooo...? 
  7. Then leave the thread, you have been not caring for 3 pages.
  8. I really don't care :D

    But hey geo  forum famous 
  9. Oh God you are beyond stupid. Get smacked gg noob. Can't argue for shit.
  10. Trailer was fake
  11. The only best acting he did was when he got shot to death on CSI
  12. I'm not arguing your the one that keeps on trying to start a fight, and I really don't give a damn  if someone here is stupid, it's you  you might as well argue to yourself, because I ain't gonna do anything  I'm chill ?
  13. Haha very funny.
    jokes over....
    Wait....please say your joking.

  14. You look like you are trying to pull an Anya..lmao.
  15. Hmm. I don't see any point in being 'famous' or "popular" over a game. When we all quit this app, nobody is gonna remember us. You'll remember playing the app. But the other players will forget us all. The path you carved on pimd will be BURNED, and it'll be as none of us ever existed. Our accounts will be deleted. The forums we posted on will be lost in a see of endless crap.

    Congrats people  you're famous over an app game mother must be so proud of you all :D

    but if any of you are happy  then YOLO.

    Note: NO SPECIFIC name was mentioned in the process of this post. Lol
  16. Maybe I am Anya ?
  17. There's a bridge over there Radio, have fun.
  18. I see no bridge... All I see is my fame your nothingness