
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Fries and wendy's frosty. Real definition of yum
  2. I can't remember the last time I was inside a Wendy's. I was either 11 or 12 and I got a burger and I thought it was way too salty and decided to never go back
  3. I don't think it's exceptional by any means. Smoked/cured meat, in general, is fantastic.
    Proscuittos, sausages, smoked fish, etc. All good.

    Bacon is eh.

    Except corned beef. Feed that to your dog.
  4. Baconator fries. Yum. There's a Wendy's at a nice walkable distance from my office and those are my weakness in life ?
  5. Tbh I rly liked corned beef when I was a kid. Maybe cuz I ate mostly philipino food and it's kind of a comfort food? Same w spam. Spam + corned beef > bacon for little Wednesday any day.
  6. Ew. Spam. ?
  7. Fried spam over rice was one of my fav meals as a kid k. You currently eat foie gras so judgements to yourself yo ?
  8. Yes. Pandesal + spam + corned beef
  9. ^ when you know what's up
  10. I think spam's an acquired taste. defs less popular than bacon
  11. Yes, yes, I know, haha, but spam tastes like metal to me and chemicals >.< My SO has tried to get me to eat it a million diff ways, and I just can't. ?

    Tho, there are so many things though that I ate as a kid and thought were amazing, but now I'm like, WOW, that's gross. Kids tastebuds don't know better yet, haha.
  12. O we were opposites. I feel like I have more of a cultured taste as an adult? When I was little I wouldn't eat mushrooms or tomatoes or food from cultures that I wasn't familiar with. I'm a lot less picky now
  13. I recently acquired a taste for Hummus after dipping things in Greek Yoghurt stopped doing it for me, and cause I needed something pasty and gritty to spread on lebanese bread for a sandwich which wouldn't saturate the bread.

    I also used to hate Zucchini and Eggplant and all forms of squash but recently I've learnt to tolerate it and even enjoyed it in a stew... The snotty texture was countracted by a good crust.

    I still can't stand Balsamic Vinegar, spinach in large quantities, cabbage, and corned beef. Don't think I've ever lost the taste for anything tho. Tastes just get superseded.
  14. It's probably impossible to enjky everything.
  15. O, same actually for me with mushrooms and tomatoes. Tomatoes I have a clear memory of the day I tried them and for the first time they weren't so bad, lol. It was the first food I experienced that tastebuds could change with. Mushrooms took a lot longer. I didn't eat mushrooms until 'adulthood'. I guess I should say I became less picky about natural foods. Most of what I won't eat anymore are candies and things I now realize have a chemically taste or artificial flavor or were excessive in sugar. :lol: Like pixie stix o_O Straight sugar and fake flavors. But man could I eat those things when I was younger. o_O And how in the world did I ever drink some sodas??

    I love hummus. Turns out tho, it doesn't love me. D: But my tummy has felt like a different tummy since I cut it from my diet.
  16. The list of foods I refuse to eat and/or don't like is veryyyyyy long. I have gotten better at not being quite so picky in recent years tho
  17. I don't consider myself picky but is it picky when you don't like some particular texture of food/vegetables/fruits?
  18. Girls who don't tie their hair back while cooking, that's disgusting.

    Using the wrong tools for a job.

    Calling equipment by the wrong name. Apparently nobody knows the name of a bench knife, everyone makes up their own name for it and it irritates me.

    Using the wrong methods and then acting suprised when their dish doesn't turn out.

    Calling dishes by the wrong name. There are classical definitions of certain dishes and people like to change them and try to call them the same names.

    Also not wearing gloves when handling ready to eat foods
  19. Yes.