back in time before you know it rp.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by tarru, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Sparrow: -Grabs my arms around her- "Hey Gorgeous."
  2. (no its another game by these people. Called Future Combat. I want to chat with you but I've been disabled permanently thanks to my idiot cousin.
  3. Kaitlyn: kisses her
  4. (Lol okay, I'll check it out )
  5. Sparrow: -Kisses back-
  6. Kaitlyn: gets out of the water
  7. (I'm downloading it right now )
  8. Sparrow: -Follows her-
  9. (Tell me your account name!!)
  10. Kaitlyn: kisses her as she gets out
  11. Sparrow: -Kisses back, pulling her closer-
  12. Kaitlyn: lays back onto the grass.

    (did it download?)
  13. (go to world then forum. Find your way to fan fic and comment on a post you find me in. platonicbot5000)
  14. Sparrow: -Holds myself up with my elbows and smiles down at her-
  15. Kaitlyn: kisses her
  16. (followed you!!)
  17. (Followed back!! )

    Sparrow: -Kisses back-