back in time before you know it rp.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by tarru, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Sophie; really? *raises an eyebrow* how are you so... Fit?
  2. Jayden: I have my ways
  3. Raven: -Gives her my pies- "I'm not hungry."
  4. Kaitlyn: noms on the bird.
  5. Torrance: *looks shocked* really?

    Sophie; *smiles* common let's go get food. *starts to walk forwards pulling out of your arms*
  6. Jayden: -scrambkes after her-
  7. Jayden: -scrambles after her-
  8. Sophie: *opens the door smelling in fresh baked bread and I get a flash back to when I was little and I walked into a bakery for the first time I give a small smile then I snap back and I hold the door for you*
  9. Raven: -Nods- "Yeah."
  10. Torrance; okey. *eats one of her pies and saves the other one*
  11. Beau: -sees Sophie and Jayden come in the bakery-
  12. Sophie: *smiles and waves*
  13. Raven: "Where shall we go next?"
  14. Torrance: your choice.

    (gtg guys sorry super tired lol! :/ well night! )
  15. (Aww okay! Night! )
  16. Kaitlyn: swimming.
  17. Sparrow: -Comes in the water and swims after her-
  18. (Accidentally do you have an FC account
  19. Kaitlyn: swimming around
  20. (FC? I might have one but I don't know what it stands for lol. Do you mean FB? )