
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M4GN1F1C3NT_BR34K3R, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Deviant!!!!!

    I eat mountain babies  Soooo tasty

    mmmmhmmmm gooood
  2. Well I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way.. I'm just.... Naturally sarcastic..
  3. Ohmaigawd BABIES

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  4. [​IMG]

  5. 2 words.

    Teriyaki toddlers. 
  6. Wolf children like Jacob taste great, and burn very well 

    -The baby incinerator-
  7. Terryaki Mtn Babies are the bomb


    Blazin' Babes...

    Im mean Babies are #2

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  9. ._.

    I don't have babies, Drake. >_>
  10. Drake, did u change ur name cuz I'll farm u?.... Hehehehe nø worries, the farming is done ;)
  11. *you

    For a guy who acts so tough, you sure are a idiotic coward. :roll:
  12. sure sure whatever u want to think. U don't really know me, so u can't exactly judge me :D
  13. *you *you *you

    Yes I can judge you. On how cowardly you are by downgrading. Your online self is your real self. 
  14. All people who leave the game downgrade.... Stupid.
  15. No, my friend left yet she didn't downgrade.

    ... Idiot.
  16.  drake i love ur name
  17. :3 thanks.

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  18. TTT

    ~The one who wants your babies~