
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Azarah please tell
    Nick2B that I'm perm silenced so I can't talk
  2. What's in it for me? 

     Buddy
  3. I'll let u rape me 
  4. 

    Ill just...refrain from telling him again...
  5. What u dont want my luvinjk lmao
  6. .-. Is it bad if I wanted to say I'll tell him with  at the end? .-.

    ._. I don't know them. And I be shy.
  7.  I don't 
  8. 
  9. meanie... But Lani won't say no  ask Claudia if Lani will say nojk
  10. I'm just looking on my iPod and
    Az has 23574 Forum posts 
    Mitch Has 2872
  11. .-. And how many do I have? Thank you for asking. You're welcome. Oh well I have around 1-10,000.

    .-. Yea. That happened. Guessed that **** up.
  12. Buddy has 2149
  13. .-. Well that's pretty nice for having to start on a new account. :)
  14.  Mitch

    Leo! 

     Buddy
  15. Well. I feel left out. Everyone gets two emoji and I get one. Hmph.
  16. Oh. Oopsie.

    Buddy! 
  17. Hmph. Don't flatter me with your fancy emoji. Talk to the booty cuz the hands of duty. (teehee doody.) :3

  18. 