Ay yo, showcase update.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kefo, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. Tl;Dr.
    Update is 90% good.
    Plz don't use "stats" improperly.
    "Tradecase/TC" would be a better name for that showcase tab.
    Let the improper use of "stats" die the death it deserves.

    Ay yo, it's your local showcase/trading hipster with a long ass hot take about the new update.

    Quick overview:

    Favourites/Starred items? 🔥/10
    Search Feature? 🔥/10
    Visible furni? Yahhhhhh.../10
    This will help to declutter the torrential spam of furniture advertising that has been going on for the past few years.
    People will trade furni more often and get a better idea of the availability of furniture thanks to the added transparency.

    Overall there are no negatives to a furniture tab unless ur a tradephobe

    Those were the biggest new features but we also have separate tabs for different types of items, as well as different ways to sort them all.

    Let's go through some:

    Gifts tab (Yah, sure.)
    Stats tab (😷!😓?😧!😦?😣!😰?😲)
    Boxes tab (What about keys that are functionally the same? Plz incorporate.)
    Pet tab (Yes 👍)
    Sticker tab (Yes 👍)
    Furniture tab (Yes 👍)

    Sorting options:
    Chronological (time order)
    Stats (which items have more stats than others)
    EC value
    👍 All good there. Also nice that we can choose to reverse the order for all of these options.

    (Warning: entering geek zone!)

    My bone (and it's a big one) to pick with this release, is with the choice to name a tab "stats".
    Why? Because what's included in this is not only items that have stats, and it shouldn't be that either.
    What the devs were going for with this tab isn't described by the word "stats" but it doesn't really have a commonly used term because the category is so large, most people don't bother referring to it.

    The tab is more like something that includes everything tradable earnt via parties, hunts, spinner, and stories except furniture and boxes.

    I think the choice to call it "stats" is weird and potentially very confusing because even between players, "stats" has no clear popular meaning.

    The reason for its undefined nature is the loss of its strong origins and total overgeneralization.

    I'm going to talk about the origins here because I think that the devs could use the info for a future update.

    Origins of the term "stat" when referring to items.

    I personally never use this word except when describing the stats of an item, not as a category of items unless it means "items with stats", but this is a redundant category and not one that I'd recommend anyone limit themselves to.

    The term "stat" or "stats item" when used to categorize items was a way of diminishing or ignoring the significance of the rarity or appearance or popularity of a certain item.

    Items began being either called a "stat" or "rare" depending on what someone thought of its value, to argue for a return to the "stat value", or above it.

    "Stat value" has been a well known rate in the pimd community for the last 2+ years and is generally the value at which main story rewards (msr) or the most abundant and cheap items. Are valued.

    If you say "that's a stat item" it means, "sell me that for the standard rate, as though nothing were special about it and all you know about it is its stats" , ignoring all other facets. On the inverse, if someone asks you for a rare item for too low a cost, you might say "it's a rare", meaning "it's rarer than that so it's worth more"

    This became more popular. New players saw people saying "rares" and "stats", and some tried to split items into either one of the 2 categories, however this is unreliable because every item has both scarcity and stats.

    As time progressed and this division between rare and stat remained a common concept, things deteriorated for 2 main reasons :

    1- Many people didn't know that items which were worth more than the standard rate were worth more so they started to over-generalize "stat" and apply it to items that are rarer than MSR, especially side story rewards (SSR) which are often sold for the same rate as MSR.

    2- The realization of the overpowered nature of miscellaneous bonuses.
    Misc bonus became the pvp meta and so much of the old love for rare items died down as people flocked to buy as much misc bonus as they could as cheaply as possible which meant common and abundant MSR, affectionately and cringily referred to as
    misc and stats.

    What does "stat item" mean today in the pimd community?

    Recently, people have been using the term to refer to
    • main story rewards,
    • any story rewards,
    • all showcase items that have stats (often, also excluding bentos, chibis, spin items, BB items, and "rares", however one defines that. But this is a very personal thing and varies greatly)
    I have my opinions on each. Definitely preferring the first. The second is just unfortunately where it's gone. Many people have lost very rare story rewards due to this blindside. The third just seems silly.

    Whenever anyone asks me for stat items, first thing I ask is what they have against statless items, because some statless items are very valuable.

    But regardless of this, the point is that there is no concensus.

    It seems that a.t.a have taken the next step with their "stats" tab, having it include bentos, spinner items, BB sets, and items without any stats at all. And I mean, sure. Needs a name. May as well be that IF there isn't a better alternative. And a.t.a can set the mandate here.

    What does a hipster suggest it should it be?

    TradeCase or TC for short. All the items you have that are tradable (except furni because that goes in dorm).

    Does it have a history? Sure.
    Tradable + Showcase.

    Tradable being the word everyone uses to describe items which can be exchanged via gifts or the trade interface.

    Showcase being the showcase.

    Does it make more sense than "stats"?
    Is it nifty enough? Short enough? Share thoughts, please.

    (edits made for Lyssa)

    Thanks all for your time. If you read everything, you're a legend. And if you read it all and wanna debate in the comments, you're an even bigger legend. Ty.
    iPanicAtDiscos, Nando, Mal and 3 others like this.
  2. Thanks for tl;dr
    Nando and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. r
  4. Amazing thread.
    Kefo likes this.
  5. You forgot to mention the chevron in the lower right ー it will reverse the categorization chosen, i.e. put it in reverse chronological order, reverse alphabetical order, et cetera.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. Briefly alluded to it somewhere but didn't mention the symbol or its location. It's an important feature. Thanks for that Hails :)
    Muschi likes this.
  7. No problem! ❤ I see the allusion now... it's in bright green. Dunno how I missed it, but adding the symbol and location of it would still be useful ofc.
  8. Noticed and appreciated ❤️
  9. A partnership I never expected
  10. I started that geeky part ... Then quickly realized I don't have time in my life for that. 🌝

    But anyway, I love the new update! The only thing that bothers me is that my boxes all look squished and overlap each other. 🙃

    I particularly love the favorites tab!! I bet y'all can't guess what I have starred. 😏🤭
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. I think my only real qualms with the update is that furniture gets sorted into the “stat” tab, even though it is already living in its own tab. I feel like it makes that tab a bit bulkier than it actually needs to be. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Kefo, Aei, Maddi_Matsu and 1 other person like this.
  12. Haven't updated, can't relate
  13. Imo “Misc” sounds better than “Stats” because it essentially is a “Miscellaneous” tab but then people would still have a problem with it being called “Misc” because it still isn’t only stat items. I guess “tradecase” works even though it sounds stupid. Maybe just “Trade” since those are trade-able items.
    Kefo likes this.
  14. Bump

    Still want trade case.

    I don't want to see old gifts in there. They're useless as hunt drops.

    All my rare tradable items with no stats are hard to find, strewn between drops, boxes, etc. They belong in the trade tab.

    ALL BOXES in the boxes tab. Just cause they can't be opened anymore doesn't make them useless. Hella collectible as always. Include keys, too.

    Option to filter furniture out of tradecase, too. There's a furni tab already.
  15. Just star the stuff you wanna trade
  16. I meant have a part in showcase that includes all the items that can be traded so we know
    (maybe excluding furni which can basically all be traded anyway)

    Not a way to let other people know what we want to trade.

    I already do that.
  17. That what the gift circle thingy ment to be but ata forget some times
  18. Yeah but that's to check 1 item. You have to press on it to check.
    When I scroll through showcase, I have to look through a lot of irrelevant untradable stuff. And it make it take a lot longer to find things especiaily if it's like in the middle of 10 other items that I know are useless and which I forgot about.

    I his affects people with bigger showcases and items that go way back more than other people but it's very annoying.
  19. That doesn’t mean it can be traded, it means it can be gifted. Like the pamphlets from that back to school hunt could be traded but not gifted, same with the police tape from the Noir hunt.