Avi Facial Expressions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chulo17, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. You’re pretty stupid
    Please don’t quote me
  2. Oof.
  3. Mini's just doing her best tryna be sassy. You did great, Mini, don't mind them
  4. But Alicia can’t read dates so I must assert my dominance by bullying her.
  5. 100% support. Yes. Yes
  6. Exactly. In 6 months it'll literally have been a year, you're 50% right.
  7. You’re 50% closer to being in a casket
  8. Support for expressions with Squidward's face on them
  9. Can I be 100% closer to the casket pls : )
  10. Absolutely but there’s a line
  11. wha- what is going on here?
  12. Don’t worry about it