Avatar Distribution

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DevilsWife, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. The avatars are only inspired by real life people or television characters. They can’t be exactly the same.
  2. ATA needs to change stuff so they don't get a copyright issue either lol
  3. Exactly this.
  4. She completely looks Latina to me, she’s even tanner then the guy cloud avi. I’m Latina but extremely light skinned, my mom always calls me her white Mexican  So when you say a tan white chick I think of orange chicks with a spray tan aha and good thing she looks nothing like that ?
  5. They did an awful job on the Avis, made me so sad. If your gnna try to inspire something from a TV show, do it right 
  6. Yeah I’m also a light Latina, and there’s a bunch of tan white chicks where I live (who are not orange) but we all have our opinions and also I don’t feel like getting in a debate with you again so let’s just leave it there. Please.
  7. Wow 2500 posts
    What a no life
  8. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they’re off ?‍♀️ Can’t please everyone unfortunately.
  9. You’ll get there soon coolbean ;)
  10. I don’t care about the avi race, as long as they look cute.

    and if people still want to talk about inadequate diversity, you might add “we don’t get enough asian looking avis” to your complaint as well. 
  11. Tea!
  12. Hahaa noones asking you to respond, you chose to do so. No need for all that “ I don’t feel like getting in a debate with you again”. If you didn’t then why are you still responding ? Either way I wasn’t even trying to “debate” I was actually relating and siding with your opinion on Latin avis. Your the one who turned all sour on me 
  13. Stop it Kay
  14. Just never knew someone to reject someone trying to relate and side with their opinion but alright 
  15. We need more straight looking Avis. To many look just like my ign
  16. Mommy says I can be whatever I wanna be.. so I chose a sandwich.
  17. We have a disproportionately large number of black avis afaic.

    Need more Asian, Muslim, Christian, and Native American avis.
  18. I knew I was gonna regret that
  19. My turn to ??