August Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. At least they're better looking then last months
  2. I messaged feedback about that princess of the sea & prince of the waves. Told they were seasonal.
  3. Why do all the girls have gigantic feet? 
  4. Love the 200ec avis more than the spinners ? the toes are off putting
  6. July spinner avatars are still on my soinner
  7. Nobody even sees the toes once you select the avi 
  8. ☠️
  9. i love the ocean breeze one  gimmie gimmie
  10. Plz give me the black guy
  11. 200 ec and it's yours
  12. Yayyyyyy omg im so much happyyyyy!!!! I won the mid summer flair at only one spin!!!! Omg cant believe it!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. ocean breeze girl is toasted asf ouch
  14. Who the frick wears high heels to the beach?!