Fresh pineapple or a spicy curry, but mainly walking alot and walking up and down stairs. But most of these may work if your baby is due to come or wants to come out. I used all of these but yet this still didnt work. I had my babyat 41weeks so a week late. In the end i had to have a stretch n sweep. N my labour was 4 days. Tell me if this helps.
My midwife told me- hot food, hot bath and hot sex Also primrose oil and raspberry leave tea I did EVERYTHING to try get my second moving and she was still 5 days late
Walking helps a lot. I was on the way to the mall when my water broke LOL Sex helps too. Reaching climax helps contractions. (Dont do it if the water broke already ok) Nipple stimulation helps a lot. It encourages contractions. That's what all preggys did when I was in the ward lol. Foot massage, during NSD, the midwife massages the feet, there are pressure points there that helps give birth (you can research about this too) Hope this helps
Dont stress about it ? your baby is just comfy inside your womb and wants to stay for a little bit ? your baby will be out when he/she is ready good luck!
Walking.....lots of walking, also ask your OB to strip your membranes. Sounds weird I know and it is a bit uncomfortable. My doc stripped mine on a Friday and my sun was born the following Sunday. Had mine striped and then did a lot of walking...OK it was more like waddling but it worked.
I tried everything! And still had to get induced. I know walking gave me contractions, but not enough.
I gave my sister a stress ball when she was in labor. No clue if it really helped but she used it. Hope your baby is healthy! ?
Raspberry leaf tea? I always heard that hot curry, hot bath and hot sex were a way to start it off but both of mine were a few day early so didn't try ?
red raspberry leaf is meant to work but you should definitly talk to your midwife before trying it. sex definitley works lol i was in labour half an hour afterwards. Goid luck and congratulations!!
Got a rider lawnmower ride on it cut the grass. You can try an old truck ride down an old bumpy dirt road. Have intercourse.
Oh and the exercise ball helps with labor too sit on it with ur feet apart as far as you can stand and rock back and forth or slowly bounce. It's helps tons to calm contraction pain but help the baby move in to place goodluck just don't drink castroil it will make u sick nother help labor.