ATA wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nemo, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. I suppose you are the only player that is correct then because everyone else says otherwise 
  2. Yes
  4. Um actually there was a war that ATA set up, not ice's war. Do you not remember the one where only 1000 players on each side got to join, we had to apply to a club and ata had to disable cc because too many ppl were posting 
  5. Dude you sound stupid. :roll: I'll trust what domi and the others are saying. But 400 people... ? I wanna do a war like that.
  6. I never did the ice bos wars as signing up was a pain so 1
  7. Um actually there was a war that ATA set up, not ice's war. Do you not remember the one where only 1000 players on each side got to join, we had to apply to a club and ata had to disable cc because too many ppl were posting 
  8. Ty 
  9. We may even have an award for it I think
  10. There was a war, that ata set up, they had two pimd developers as admins, it was a pimd admin for each team.
  11. Yup it was a bos, all these noobs on this thread who know nothing  op was correct
  12. ?Shadow get out war threads you party fairy
  13. Said that ;)
  14. But it never happend?  idiots lol
  15. Im just saying ata should realy do this again it was alot of fun

  16. WRONG 
  17. ??Shut up or fight me you noob

  18. It was but sadly it doesnt pay as well as cc promo's do lol
  19. ?Get in my newsfeed
  20. If you guys want wars so bad, here's a mind blowing idea.
    Start one yourself. Enough people complain about wars as it is, you'll get enough :lol: