
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rendezvous, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. I’m living that cusp baby life. Aquarius/Pisces cusp.
  2. Well if you want to be technical, then I’m not just Capricorn. I’m Sagittarius/Capricorn ??‍♀️
  3. 18 December ... So I'm a Sagittarius..
  4.  Pisces 
  5. or are you an ophiuchus?
  6. Make a hunt already ️

    K byee ?
  7. ?️Cancer ️?

  8. Pisces ️??
  9. Sagittarius 
  10. Virgo ️
  11. aquarius ️
  12. Pisces ️
  13. gemini ️
  14. Capricorn ️?

    Love virgos btw. LOOOOVE them !!! Low key turn me on with their workaholic-ness and dorky way of flirting ??
  15. Sagittarius 
  16. I’m a Leo. ️️