Aspergers Syndrome

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. Shut up bear
  2. Grammar nazi...
  3. Well to share something with you guys I didn't start speaking till I was 6 years old I think .Everyone used to think that I'm special (I hope you know what I mean) turns out Im completely fine . Just even now I don't like speaking much
    I think its the way I am
    I don't know if its related to topic or not just wanted to share it
  4. LOL
  5. Ya know, I don't think I could go lower than Mr Dj modstep 
  6. Please remain respectful and on topic if you can't you can leave the thread.
  7. Spit... Little old spit....
    You seem to be mistaken for my 16 year old brother who use to play this. 
  8. Oh and little ole spit.
    Two things.
    It's *Modestep.
    Also, Grow stats and then talk. ?

    /Lock please foot.
  9. Lol okay whatever ya say mr "M4GN1F1CENT" 
  10. I would but i dont wanna get farmed by you "mag" you vip you. 

    Wells deuces.
  11. What on earth are you on about? 

    I was N0RW4Y spit 
  12. Yeah get out of here you idiot 
  13. Screw the m4gs
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