Can you wall me when updated can't get enough of this stuff you need to make our update times shorter I can't wait a WHOLE WEEK ;(
(/Red)Why cant u write a load and split it into parts that u can post every day (finish) idk how to do it :')
Love it looking forward to ur updates. I know its not yet finished but. . . . . .I am sooo curious about BUB!!
Oh my lord guys I'm so sorry! I've had exams all this week and been so busy but now it's SUMMER and I'll be able to update MUCH more often! Starting with today, be ready for an awesome update
July 4th I had woken up to find Drew next to me in bed naked and started shaking him awake. "Drew, Drew wake up" I was almost screaming in his ear. "Whaaaat?!" He tightly closed his eyes and turned away from me. "Drew um... You um... Why are you in my bed... Naked?" I asked shakily His head shot up and he looked at me with big wide eyes, he looked me up and down and was relieved to find me fully clothed. "Oh um.. Jeez I don't really know?... Nothing happened... Right?" I shook my head no. "Nothing happened but like can you put some clothes on?" He smiled and laughed "Oh what? Are you distracted or something?" He smirked at me and winked as I shoved him off my bed laughing. "Oh god just get dressed. Ha ha" I turned over and got up making sure I wasn't facing him, having to fight every urge in my body to turn around and stare at him. "Um so... I itched my head... Do you have any plans today?" "Well no, mom normally throws a big 'Fourth of July Bash' but I'm clearly not invited to that this year so-" as he wS about to carry on the doorbell interrupted him. "Oh, just one second" I ran downstairs and opened the door to Drew's mother. "Oh um hi-" "Hello Macie!" She had the biggest fakest smile on her face I have ever seen. "I'm having a big Fourth of July party today and was wondering if you'd like to attend?" I was taken aback and then got pissed, really pissed. "Why the hell do you think I would want to come to your stupid bull-" Drew came up behind me and pulled me aside, flipped off his mother and then slammed the door in her face. "'Mace she isn't worth it, trust me." He looked at me so sincerely and... Thankful. "But she's just so-" I couldn't stop myself. "Macie she isn't worth it. She's just some pathetic lowlife loser who has nothing better to do than try to mess with people's lives, now let me make you some breakfast." He walked over to me and hugged me tightly then went over to the kitchen. ~~
(Sorry it accidentally posted I meant to add on more) After we had eaten we went over to the living room and watched TV for awhile. "Macie?" Drew asked. "Yeah?" I wasn't paying much attention to him. "Why'd you say that to my mom? I mean like... Why'd you stick up for me?" He sat up and looked at me. "Oh well I mean... Well honestly I've never really liked her and just she's so mean to you and I don't get why..." I looked at him and smiled a little. "Well I mean come on Macie let's face it I am kinda an a-hole.." He said it so plainly. "Everyone can be an a-hole Drew." Even tho he was a big one, I wasn't about to say that. "Anyways, do you wanna go to the beach or something? We can watch the fireworks out there and stuff?" I tried to change the subject the best I could. "Yeah that sounds really good, let me go get my suit on." He got up and walked to his room as I got up and went to put on my Fourth of July bathing suit. We walked to the beach and had sat in the sand and swam in the lake, got ice cream and went back to the beach. "I can't wait for these fireworks" I said as I smiled big. "I used to always watch these with my mom..." I looked down in the sand and started to run it through my fingers. Drew scooted a little closer to me. I had looked up and over at him as he gently grabbed my face and pulled me in.