️CAUTION️ This Update Might Not Be Suitable For All Readers July 20th That night we headed to Jake's party, we walked up the steps to this HUGE house with the bass so loud it was shaking your entire body, kids hanging from windows, running around the lawn. Your good ol' fashioned High School Party. We walked into the front door to people drinking, dancing and more drinking. Drew turned to me concerned. "You know, we can leave if you want?" He grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. "No way Mr. we said we would come now let's just have some fun!" With his hand I led him onto the "dance floor" and we moved along with the other sweaty strangers. Soon we were drinking, I was drinking for the first time, this was my first real "High School Party" so I expected it to be a lot like the movies you see about the girl at the party having the time of her life. The random high-pitched girl came running up to us about half way through the party with Jake trailing behind her. "Heeyyy!" I yelled a little too loud, I was starting to get a quite tipsy. Jake laughed and pulled me to his side with his hand around my waste. "Haha hey party animal!" The girl hugged Drew and we all stood in a circle. "So do you guys like the party?!" Jake was just about shouting even tho we could barely hear him over the music. Drew shook his head yes with a smile and took another swig of his drink. I was about to take another sip but then my stomach didn't feel so right. "Umm Jake? Where's the bathroom?" I squeezed my eyes shut getting nauseous. "Oh I'll show you." Jake took my hand as Drew grabbed my arm. "Wait. I should go with you guys, I wanna make sure she's okay." Drew held onto my arm, tight. Jake shook his hand off my arm. "Don't worry dude I got her I'll make sure nothing happens." Jake led me off into the crowd and up the stairs, I had gotten dizzy and everything was in more of a blur. Jake led me into a dark room. "Wait so where's the toilet?" I scratched my head I couldn't see anything. Suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind. "Drew?" I asked confused. Jake whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, I'm here now, we'll be just fine. Let's just have some fun first." He turned me around and started to take off my shirt. "Wait whoa wait!" I pushed away scrambling at the wall for the light. Jake grabbed me again and shoved his hands into my shirt. I screamed a blood curdling scream. He covered my mouth and tried moving me back. I swung my elbows back at him and nailed him in the chest as he let go of me. I ran to the wall and started screaming again. Suddenly the door swung open with the bright light of the hallway as I heard Drew's voice and fell backwards, then everything went black. ~~ July 21st "Macie? Mace are you okay?" I opened my eyes as someone was brushing my hair back out of my face and I was in my bed. "What..?" I squeezed my eyes shut then opened them slowly as my head pounded with pain and my entire body hurt. "Oh thank god, Mace you... You took a fall last night... Do you remember?" He sounded worried. Then all at once the entire night came back to me, the dancing, the drinking, then Jake. I started to cry as Drew held me. I felt his tears on my head. "Mace I'm so sorry it's my fault I shouldn't have let you go with him I'm so sorry I can't believe I let that happen. If anything would've happened to you I would've I would've died." He held me tightly and kissed my head. I couldn't speak all I could do was cry.