Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HEY, May 30, 2017.

  1. This is like the running version of my current avi 
  2. Better than most of the avis nowadays♡
  3. Not as impressive as everyone else but here is smthing we did in art class today:

  4. I’m impressed.
  5. practicing/learning shading?
  6. Yes. With charcoal and that malleable gummi eraser thing
  7. Oooohhh so nice wednesdat!!! Good job~
  8. oooohhhh charcoal, one of my least favorite tools. i love the texture and depth of the values but it’s a tactile nightmare x:
  9. This is neat. I always end up with a messy pastel paper with charcoal
  10. Same usually, but my art prof recommended willow charcoal and it worked rly well. It's thin and doesn't make very dark marks c:
  11. Gonna try that
  12. You can use hair spray to fix layers of charcoal, it's way cheaper than actual charcoal fix and it works just as good
  13. I haven't tried using fixative but this is a cheap option so I will try this 

  14. Hope this works again aha, I’m no tech whiz but I’ve done it before so hopefully ??‍♀️
    A lil something I did at 3am after waking up from a dream where I started to grow petals out of my head
  15. terrifying
  16. thank youu ?
  17. A lil creepy but I like it @jinkiies