Arranging your own showcase!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Risen-From-The_Dead, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Would you like to design an award for having recycled ideas, war king? Bug off.
    Make this happen. ?
  2. I emailed ?
  3. do that devs
  4. You know its like a petition if enough people support it on the same thread, then you email the devs with name and thread name something could happen.
  5. I thunk its a really good idea
  6. [color=lime green] I support this 101%![/color]
  7. Support said for us to keep being vocal and it might happen ? so more people email 
  8. Great idea 
  9. That is really a cool idea!!
  10. I want to display my rollerblades
  11. ?That's an awesome idea!
  12. I don't know what the point of arranging out our showcase will do. Like I understand you want people to see your stuff and all, but after all ATA has done for us, we keep asking for more and more. And I don't believe it's very important for people to see what's in our showcase anyways. But, I don't know. That's just my opinion. I don't think I support. 
  13. Nice.. like the idea!