Are you Wanted?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player12037103131, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. *Azarah or az

    I thought you went to sleep.
  2. Lol okay then. troll? Got that one?
  3. Lol best all around?
  4. XD Softball is going to hate me when she gets back on
  5. I spamed her in box with 52 messages XD
  6. Why Are You Typing Like This?!
  7. Lol alrighty then
  8. Nite nite my freinds
  9. Nite cashy!!!!
  10. I think I'm wanted in several states including the UK, but... other than that no.

  11. I wanna $10 iTunes card But I wouldn't win any of those awards I'm not known 
  12. I like girls and they like me I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar my hands my hands my my my hands
  13. How about ChancERiF?

    Chance and Fire?




    I will have a glass of milk now.
  14. Maybe I'll win nicest 
  15. I have a few ideas:

     happiest person on forums

     biggest attention seeker on forums

     saddest person on forums

     hope i helped 
  16. Don't worry Jordan I vote for u 
  17. Biggest |\|<><>8 translation:noob
  18. :lol: :lol:

     Leo you owe me