Answer Yes or No

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. My man eats me even after he just filled me with sperm
  2. That part of your club’s arpee?

  3. In regards to the thread topic. Hell to the no.
  4. lmfaoooo
  5. Lol did anyone even ask you to comment about your sèx life ?
  6. Half of yall got spem in your mouth on the daily so no point in saying no :)
  7. ?
  8. How did u find forums
  10. Anyway. I saw this on snapchát
  11. She has a point about y'all.
  12. You're missing out. Shrimp is delicious.
  13. Your second statement is a lie.
  14. Well, caviar is fish ovules, so...
  15. :(