Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. So kawaii.
  2. My cats selfie ? keep the thread alive 
  3. Oh it's sideways ?
  4. [​IMG]

    I'm an assassin.
  5. I'd post my own selfie but I already did 
  6. You can post another Raina
  7. Okay I'll do one more before I have to go to class  in an attempt to not let it die  because this is a really long thread
  8. Cherry is hawt and organized
  9. I guess I'll post one too
  10. Mkay I expect this not to fail? better lighting than the other one too  I realized that I totally prefer the left side of my face.
  11. Cherrys totally not organized 

    Hawt is a matter of opinion
  12. I'm organized in my own way. It just looks messy 
  13. M and m  I think
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