Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Name her? Please :)
  2. Glasses indicate nerdiness? I thought glasses indicate poor eyesight? 
  3. He must have a bad judgement of everything than :( :(
  4. Must be a kid. ?
  5. I believe he is referring to me I'm a nerd YESSS!!
  6. That's a big one, a mod most do something
  7. I don't want you silenced panda

  8. There Teags a deal is a deal ? thanks for helping with the picture thingy ? lol
  9. We should get everyone in PA to do it

    You are really pretty
  10. Dang they deleted them
  11. I don't post selfies anymore. ?
  12. We so should Teags  aww thanks ? you're bootiful girl 
  13. I don't understand intentionally posting pictures you know will be removed, but eh.
  14. ?maybe this is me being a ***** but why post a pic of yourself in a thong with your boob hanging out… ..pure attention seeking and not much respect for yourself honestly
  15. Oh man
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