Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. The zoo sounds fun. I love the SF zoo  they have alpacas 
  2. Amanda Todd was a slut who drank bleach tho.
  3.  Let me get a photo. Sorry if it's huge
  4. Can people actually look at the camera with no filters? am I the only one that does that?
  5. Yeah I was wondering if someone would pick up on that melon
  6. *your comment about Amanda todd
  7. It's probably a touchy topic. Some people here have probably tried to chug down bleach or some shit like that
  8. Filters make pictures look kool and hide unwanted things kinda
  9. Just like makeup eh? Making the pretty, prettier. And the ugly, like dogs.
  10. Omg pandas picture on page 8 !
    Love it cx
  11. Actually I don't use filters and I've never worn makeup, my pic is just grainy cuz the lighting in my room at night is terrible
  12. ?
    I can't stand the sight of blood.
  14.  That CJS gif tho.
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