Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Id tap that even with the dreads.

    I like dreads.
  2. That awkward moment when shady also owns me
  3. There are so many Jens here it's hard to keep up.

    Gnomey, J31, iJennyWatchYouSleep(She's probably changed her name) JennBunn.
  4. Sorry Northern. Done got pissed and taken a shower and changed. Not tonight
  5. I actually got one today from a drunk thot from my school 
  6. 
    I own you.
    So shhh.

    Don't talk. Just look pretty.
  7. I own 3 of those you mentioned Britt
  8. Zayum.
    ? You have them all in your harem.
  9. Cherry can I own those beautiful women too?️
  10. IEx doesn't want me
  11. The dreads are a must. And same to you Aurora lol
  12. No, fire crotch, you can't.
  13. I tried sorry if it fails 
    the lighting was also terrible ? Mkay 
  14. I own you now Rainabow. <3
  15. It worked ? I'm so proud of myself 
  16. Umm Raina is bae soooo.... No one owns her but me...
  17. I want you autumn?
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