Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Shady?????
    Autumn is mine
  2. Bruh.

    We might make it to 2K posts.
  3. You're mine autumn?
  4. Everyone is mine. I'm the Almighty ?
  5. IM KANYE I own all of you
  6. Neph chill. You can't even get nudes.
  7. I lay claim to this thread since everyone else is doing it.
  8. IEx you're mine. Where's that selfie?
  10. OK....Gonna try this. [​IMG]
  11. Get rid of the dreads and I'd tap that.
  12. You seem like a chill dude!
  13. I own caspy, irem, Nikki, lex, jeni, jenni, Jen, Jen, kimmy, mulva, boopy, April, Alice, honey, teagers, sommy,  and others
  14.  I just laid my claim on you.

  15. Bae is about to post a pic?
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