Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I have fab hair
  2. W0nd3r is my lover
  3. Carlieve is sexual.
  4. well then lethal okay understandable

    # shemale lol only kidding
  5. Shadyyyyy is my bae
  6. You're not alone. 
  7. I'm autos lesbian bae
  8. Fall youre my side bae
  9. #Transsexual
  10. I have so many nicknames people dont even realize youre talking to me 
  11.  Too many to remember I feel like I'm talking to myself but it's okay 
  12. Fall IS MTKLJzxnxklzknzmkz bae
  13.  .... Sexually frustrated
  14. Im sexually frustrated.
  15. This has gotten so off topic ?
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