Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. this thread is confusing where is all the love and nice people oh wait this pimd not kaw
  2. haha what he or she said
  3. The people can be a lot meaner on KaW.
    PimDers are generally pretty nice.
  5. Yes flame we all know you clearly suck no need for caps
  6. I dobut I'm taken
  7. In loving memory of kaname. We should bump this all the way.hahah
  8. Hey you dont talk about Rune that way.

    Only I can insult his stupidity.
  9. This thread will never die
  10. Thats so not true kaw ppl are way more nicer when do yu hear about kaw ppl sayin ima farm yu or gettin but hurt there real forgiving ppl but the game suck
  11. Catfishes 
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