Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Who is complaining?
  2. So true Aurora <3
  3.  No one's complaining about the fact that you're scrolling through a hundred pages so you can find the hottest girl and try to talk to her, but in the end, get brutally rejected.
  4. Apply cold water to burn.
  5. lmao i dont do that haha but smart thinking
  6. I dont get rejected so burn on you haha
  7. Why is that word blocked I just

    I just don't understand
  8. That's what you say, but that's not what I see.
    Oh wait, I don't see anything because it never happens.
  9. "Burn on you"

    I died.
  10. Nah iam all good thanks no burning here haha
  11. Only people who don't post fall into that category.
  12. Haha is that a pic of you a few pages back ?
  13. ? I'm not seeing a lot of selfies here
  14. exactly how sad are you to put your pic on here so people can see ?
  15. I'm pretty happy actually just saying.
  16. Lmao squirts get some stats child haha
  17. And how sad are you to sit here and look at "potential women"

    So, yeah.
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