Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Low quality

  2. idk how to image fit 0-0
  3. I eat burgers too.
  4. Use tiny pic.

  5. I also don't have brown hair anymore lol
  6. That lip pierce tho. ?
  7. She's average
  8. And septum… but you cant see it in that pic :p
  9. I'm looking for megan :cry:

  10. ️ Now I can creep people's pics without seeming like a creeper. ;)
  11. I love piercings...on other people, not on myself but on others they look awesome! You pull them off well!
  12. Hi pun

  13. since when was this a picture rating :L
  14. I want to pierce my nose and/or my belly button. ? My friends said that'd be trashy tho.
  15. Panda ur awesome and no average brave enough to post selfie than the others?
  16. I think nose piercings are beautiful. I had my belly pierced and I hated it.
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