Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  2. Hucci can be an honorary asian too.<3
  3. Aurora has a fat face
  4. That's just roode ,-,
  5. She's cool with it 
  6. ? bruh don't be rood
  7. I already told her this like 2 weeks ago ?
  8. Aren't you the catfish Jopo was talking about?
  9. Wow really? Alright. This is my que to leave again.
  10. Wesk congrats
  12. I'll bring bright light to make my eyes squinty and everything too
  13. Seriously wesk.. Auty?
  14. Your effort is appreciated, Hucci.
  15.  WOW.

    You're a catfish, but you have the balls to insult someone else?

  16. When are we going to meet up Mason?
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